Monthly Archives: April 2014

The big picture and saving your sanity

It's all in your head


Inevitably, we all go through periods in our lives where we are simply stretched thin.  You know what I’m talking about, you have 50 things that MUST get done this week and you’re only going to get half of them done.   Sometimes we do this to ourselves (like a bunch of jerks), but sometimes the universe just has plans for us that we have no control over.   I am currently spread pretty thin (mostly by my own doing), and I’m here to offer you some ideas for keeping your sanity intact the next time you find yourself with too much to do and too little time.

First of all, you have to focus on the big picture.  Really.  Close your eyes and spend a few minutes imagining what it will be like when you are done with all the things that are currently on your plate.  Think about all the benefits.  Maybe you are remodeling a house and you will have a nicer living space.  Maybe you are finishing a degree and you will get a raise/promotion/good job.  Maybe you are hosting for the holidays and you will get many wonderful memories.  Spend some time thinking concretely about every good thing that will happen because you are spread so thin right now.

Thinking like this helps me put things into perspective.  Sure I might be running around like a chicken with my head cut off NOW, but sometime relatively soon I will have a whole host of new wonderful things in my life.  Concentrating on those wonderful things makes hectic days seem a lot more manageable.

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